Saturday, March 17, 2012

St. Patrick’s Day Silver and Gold

Yukon River Smoked Salmon
My husband brought me back a gift from his recent trip to the Pacific Northwest. I was ecstatic...wild hot smoked delicacy, who would not be? There were two types, Keta salmon hot smoked and Coho salmon candied smoked, from the Alaskan Yukon River.  Both fishes are glistened with beautiful silvery scales. The Keta or Chum salmon has a deep pink, smoky, salty and sweet meat. The Coho salmon has a pale orange meat with a hint of salt and spices.

Whether you are Christian, Irish or believe in the Holy Trinity or not, you can't help but join in the celebration. Wearing green and drinking Guinness on the Shamrock day seems to be as American as apple pie. My husband--a mutt of the British Isle's (mostly English and Welsh), has a bit of Irish in, this is his excuse to celebrate. And the family joins in.

St. Patrick's Day Breakfast--Silver and Gold
Smoked salmon is the perfect element for St. Patrick's Day. Our kids like the idea of green eggs and ham, so scrambled they had. I, on the other hand, am a poached egg fanatic. Warm, yellow egg liquid is like gold. I call it green eggs, using the spring onion. The egg was the perfect compliment to the extravagant and rare treat of the smoked salmon. I layered the fish with tangy cream cheese, julienned red onions, capers and a squeeze of lime.

Later on tonight, we will surely have corned beef, cabbage, hash and a Guinness. But for now, it seems like spring is all round us. End the winter with the smoked meat and start spring with fresh eggs and green.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!


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